HL Deb 19 March 1903 vol 119 cc1214-5

Before the House adjourns I desire, with your Lordships' permission, to present a Bill the object of which is to secure uniformity in the granting, by way of renewal or transfer, of licences for the sale of intoxicating liquors. This is not my Bill. It was drafted by the late Lord Bramwell, but, unfortunately for this House and the country, that distinguished lawyer died before he could bring it in. It was drawn up in consequence of what appeared to Lord Bramwell to be the injustice of the existing law, as shown in the case of Sharp v. Wakefield, and I think that what is taking place at the present time proves that some measure of the kind is necessary. I therefore present this Bill for your Lordships' consideration, and beg to move that it be read a first time.

Moved, that the Bill be now read 1a.—(The Earl of Wemyss.)

On Question, agreed to; Bill read 1a and to be printed (No. 19).

House adjourned at a quarter before Five o'clock, till Tomorrow a quarter past Four o'clock.