HL Deb 12 June 1903 vol 123 cc745-6

My Lords, there are two notices on the Paper in the name of the noble Duke the Leader of the House, to move that certain Lords be named to join with Committees of the House of Commons, to consider the question of Municipal Trading and also the Port of London Bill. The other House, as we know, rises earlier on this night of the week, and it would be a great convenience if these two formal Motions were granted precedence in order that we might get the decision of this House down to the other House before they adjourn to-night, as I understand that one at least of the Committees would be desirous of meeting on Monday. I trust that the noble Earl the Leader of the Opposition will have no objection to that course, which I am sure would be for the general benefit.


I entirely concur in what the noble Lord proposes.

Moved, That the Lords following be named of the Committee to join with a Committee of the House of Commons on Municipal Trading, viz.:—E. Crewe, L. Zouche, L. Barnard, L. Brougham and Vaux, L. Aberdare, L. Lamington, L. Rothschild.—(Lord Balfour of Burleigh, for The Duke of Devonshire.)


My Lords, some of your Lordships may remember that a year or two ago I called attention to the veto that is now exercised by local authorities upon all tramways that are projected in the districts over which they have jurisdiction. I was thinking of suggesting to your Lordships that it was very desirable that some inquiry, by a Joint Committee or otherwise, should be had into this matter, but when I saw that the Joint Committee upon Municipal Trading was to be revived, and as I remembered that a good deal of evidence was taken on that point by that Committee, it seemed to me unnecessary to suggest to your Lordships the appointment of another Committee, and that the question might very possibly, at any rate in a collateral way, be inquired into by the Committee on Municipal Trading.

On Question, Motion agreed to.

Ordered, That such Committee have power to agree with the Committee of the House of Commons in the appointment of a Chairman.

Then a Message was ordered to be sent to the House of Commons in answer to their said Message to inform them of the appointment of the said Committee by the House, and to propose that the Joint Committee do meet in Committee Room B. on Monday next at Three o'clock.