HL Deb 19 February 1903 vol 118 c257

Report by the CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES of the House of Lords and the CHAIRMAN OF WAYS AND MEANS in the House of Commons— That, having regard to Section 16 (2) of the Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 1899, the provisions of the Fife Electric Power Company Order, and Part III. of the Hamilton, Mother-well, and Wishaw Tramways Order, are of such a character that they ought to be dealt with by Private Bills and not by Provisional Orders. That the provisions of the Life Association of Scotland Order and the Scottish American Mortgage Company, Limited, Order do not relate wholly to Scotland, and are of such a character that they ought to be dealt with by Private Bills and not by Provisional Orders. That the provisions of the Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway Order are of such a character that they ought to be dealt with by Private Bill and not by Provisional Order. That the provisions of Parts IV. and V. of the Glasgow Corporation (Police) Order raise such questions of policy and principle that they ought to be dealt with by Private Bill and not by Provisional Order.