§ Return showing, from the commencement of the Small Holdings Act (1st October, 1892) to the 31st December, 1902—(a) the extent of land acquired by local authorities under the Act, with the date of such acquisitions, and the parish or parishes in which the land is situate; (b) the sum for which the land was purchased, or the term and rent for which it was hired; (c) the amount spent on the adaptation of land for 1402 small holdings; (d) the number and total acreage of small holdings sold, with the amount of purchase money; (e) the number and total acreage of small holdings let, with the yearly rent and terms of letting; and (f) the number and total amount of advances made under Part II. of the Act; Ordered to be laid before the House.—(The Earl Waldegrave, for the Earl of Onslow.)