HL Deb 04 August 1903 vol 126 c1429

My Lords, in moving the adjournment of the House, I regret to say I shall have to ask the House to sit at the usual hour tomorrow, in order to receive the Patent Office Extension Bill. That measure will involve the acquisition, by compulsory powers, of sites, and under the Standing Orders it is necessary to give a week's notice within which petitions can be presented against it. I understand that it is intended also to take the Report stage of the Licensing (Scotland) Bill, and the Third Reading of the London Education Bill will also be put down. Of course if there is any objection with regard to the latter on the score of shortness of notice that Bill will not be proceeded with tomorrow. But I might say that the time of the House for the remainder of the session will be fully occupied, and perhaps it would he better to take the Bill tomorrow than at a late hour on Thursday or Friday night


in the absence of the Leader of the Opposition, said he was not aware of the extent to which the discussion on the Education Bill would go, but he was obliged to the noble Duke for stating that if necessary the Bill should be put down for a later day.