HL Deb 28 April 1903 vol 121 cc639-40

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can lay on the Table any despatches in regard to the communications that are reported to have passed between the Russian and Chinese Governments. This is, perhaps, a more delicate question than the one I have just asked, but the subject to which it refers is one in which the country takes a deep interest. There have been various reports as to the notes that have passed between the Russian and Chinese Governments, and, although I fully recognise the delicacy of the question, I can assure the noble Marquess that any statement he can see his way to make as to what is going on with regard to Manchuria will be heartily welcomed.


The question to which the noble Earl has referred is engaging the most serious attention of His Majesty's Government. The question, no doubt, refers to the rumours which have lately been prevalent as to the conditions which the Russian Government is insisting upon in connection with the evacuation of a portion of Manchuria. There is some doubt as to the actual facts of the case, and we are endeavouring to clear that doubt up; but for the moment I hope that the noble Earl will not press me for information. The matter is one which concerns several Powers, and it would be most inconvenient that while communications are passing any statement should be made, or any Papers laid upon the Table of the House. At the same time, I recognise that the noble Earl has a right to expect that we should inform the House as soon as possible, and I do not anticipate that the silence which I am obliged to keep at this moment need be of long duration.

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