HL Deb 06 March 1902 vol 104 cc567-9

My Lords, I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for War whether it is the fact that the Remount Officer in Canada asked permission to buy out West in 1902, and, if so, what reply was given to him, and whether the War Office intend to buy from the West and North-West of Canada this spring, and whether a Return can be given of the various classes of horses and mules purchased at home and abroad, stating the places from which they came, their numbers, prices, and cost of transport to South Africa. It appears from the Return we already have that 11,000 horses have been obtained from Canada as against 77,000 for the United States. Now Canada produces many good horses of all sorts and kinds, and I think it requires some explanation why comparatively so few horses have been obtained from Canada. In the West and North-West of Canada there are an immense number of excellent horses of the mounted infantry type to be obtained, and I am informed that those who have been willing and anxious to supply them from those districts have received no encouragement whatever. I do not think that the Return asked for need impose any work on the Department as the details must be there already, or that the inconvenience with regard to the publication of prices obtained in this case.


With regard to the first part of the Question, the reply sent to Lieutenant-Colonel Dent by the Remount Department was— We shall certainly continue to purchase in Canada so long as South African requirements are maintained and you are able to procure suitable animals. It is not advisable to make the prices generally known. Where there were contracts the prices are of course known, but much purchasing was done otherwise than by contract, and if prices are mentioned there will be a tendency to level up. I am afraid it would be impossible to give all the information the noble Lord asks for.


My Lords, I beg to ask His Majesty's Government (1) what number of horses have been purchased in Colorado and in the Western States of North America for the use of the Army in South Africa; (2) between what dates such purchases were made, and whether such purchases are still being made; (3) what has been the average price paid for horses delivered to His Majesty's Government at Kansas City; and (4) what arrangements, by way of commission or otherwise, were made on behalf of His Majesty's Government with the agents by whom such horses were purchased.


In reply to the first and second Questions, the Government do not possess the information, as the horses were all shipped at New Orleans, and the tickets, dates of purchase, or places of origin were not sent here, but I will see if this information can be obtained and given. As regards the other Questions affecting prices, I must give the same answer as I have given to Lord Tweedmouth.