HL Deb 07 July 1902 vol 110 cc907-8

Order of the day read for the House to be put into Committee.


Before the House goes into Committee on this Bill, I should like to answer the Question which was put to me by the noble Lord behind me (Lord Lamington) on Friday — whether municipal labour bureaux had been established in other places, and whether the Local Government Board had any information as to tht relative advantages of municipal labour bureaux and those established by private effort. I have made inquiry, and am informed by the Local Govern- ment Board that in a few municipalities labour bureaux have been established under the control of the Town Councils. They are not costly, the whole amount entered in 1900 in the Liverpool accounts, for instance, in respect of one of these institutions being only £75. The Committee on Distress for Want of Employment, which sat in 1895 and 1896, heard evidence from Mr. Tozer in regard to the question of voluntary bureaux, this witness having established one in Ipswich, which was undoubtedly of considerable use in that town at a time when there were many men unemployed. The Labour Commission heard evidence from the agent of the Board of Trade on this matter in 1894, and his evidence was to the effect that registers promoted by local philanthropic effort, and in some cases by municipalities, did good, but that it was not possible to expect very great results from them. The representative of the Board of Trade further stated that from his experience bureaux which were carried on by municipal authorities did more good arid were more trusted than those established by means of local effort.

House in Committee (according to order).

Clauses 1 and 2 agreed to.

Clause 3:—


pointed out that under this Clause the cost of carrying on labour bureaux was thrown upon the general rates. He could not see why employers should not pay the cost the same as they did in registry offices.


gave notice that he would move, on the Report Stage, that Borough Councils should not require that persons employed in the management of these bureaux or persons, seeking employment through them, should be members of a trade union.

Bill reported, without amendment, and re-committed to the Standing Committee.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past Six o'clock, till Tomorrow, Twelve o'clock.