HL Deb 16 January 1902 vol 101 cc43-4

No. 7. (1901). Convention between the United Kingdom and Denmark, for the exchange of press telegrams at reduced rates. [Signed at Copenhagen, 15th August 1901. (September 30);

No. 8. (1901). Treaty between the United Kingdom and Servia for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals. [Signed at Belgrade, 6th December 23rd November 1900] [Ratifications exchanged at Belgrade, 13th March, 28th February 1901.] (November 7);

No. 9. (1901). International Convention for the pacific settlement of International disputes. [Signed at The Hague, 29th July 1899.] (With an appendix containing certificates of exchange of such ratifications of Powers parties to the Convention, as had been deposited at The Hague down to 15th July 1901);

No. 10. (1901). International Convention for adopting the maritime warfare the principles of the Geneva Convention of 22nd August 1864. [Signed at The Hague, 29th July 1899]. (With an appendix containing certificates of exchange of such Ratifications of Powers parties to the Convention as had been deposited at The Hague down to 15th July 1901);

No. 11. (1901). International Convention with respect to the laws and customs of war by land. [Signed at The Hague,29th July 1899.] (With an appendix containing certificates of exchange of such Ratifications of Powers parties to the Convention as had been deposited at The Hague down to 15th July 1901.) (December 31):