HL Deb 24 February 1902 vol 103 c844

The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that the following Papers having been commanded to be presented to this House by His Majesty, had been so presented on the following dates by delivery to the Clerk of the Parliaments, pursuant to Order of the House of the 17th February, 1896, viz.:

Treaty Series, No. 1 (1902)—

  1. 1. Agreement additional to the Postal Convention between the United Kingdom and France of 30th August, 1890. (Signed at Paris, 11th December, 1901.) [Ratifications exchanged at Paris, 17th January, 1902.] (21st February.)
  2. 2. Navy (Water Tube Boilers)—Report on trials of H. M. S. "Hyacinth, "H. M. S. "Minerva," and R. M. S. "Saxonia" (with diagrams). (22nd February).

The same were ordered to lie on the Table.