§ The LORD CHANCELLOR acquainted the House that the following Papers having been commanded to be presented to this House by His Majesty, had been so presented on the following dates by delivery to the Clerk of the Parliaments, pursuant to Order of the House of the 17th February, 1896, viz.:
- 1. Japan, No. 1. (1902)—Despatch to His Majesty's Minister at Tôkiô, forwarding Agreement between Great Britain and Japan, of 30th January, 1902. (February 11);
- 2. Dieting of Pauper Lunatics—
- (a.) Report on dieting of pauper lunatics in asylums and lunatic wards of poorhouses in Scotland;
- (b.) Supplement to the Forty-third Annual Report of the General Board of Commissioners in Lunacy for Scotland. (February 11);
- 3. Telegraph Money Orders (United Kingdom—Egypt)—Additional Articles to the Money Order Agreement, dated the 6th–15th of December, 1873, between the General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,
1171 and the General Post Office of Egypt. (February 11); - 4. South Africa—Further correspondence relative to the treatment of natives by the Boers. (February 12);
- 5. Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854–1894—Thirteenth Annual Report of the Railway and Canal Commission; with Appendix. (February 12.)
§ The same were ordered to lie on the Table.