HL Deb 13 December 1902 vol 116 cc1103-4

Order of the day for the Second Heading read.


My Lords, in asking your Lordships to accord a second reading to this Bill, I need not remind any of your Lordships that a very important and long measure was passed relating to the Local Government of Ireland in 1898. That Act, subjected to the test of experience, has shown that it would be desirable in some particulars to make certain changes and Amendments. This Bill, to which I now ask your Lordships to give a second reading, does not deal, of course, with any large questions of policy, but it deals with some details of more or less importance. They are not a very large number. Your Lordships will find that those details are set out very fully in the various Clauses. Amendments are made in the provisions in reference to audit and surcharge items, giving further powers to the auditors, and giving also powers for increased contributions to county infirmaries to pay deputies for doctors under certain circumstances when they are on leave; and for stereotyping certain payments out of the Local Taxation (Ireland) Account, a matter which is of considerable importance: and it also confers authority upon councils to meet half yearly instead of meeting quarterly in certain cases and under certain conditions, which seem to me to be carefully and satisfactorily framed. There is amongst other powers a power given to the County Councils to subscribe to meetings of associations of various County Councils which consider various matters of importance. Under these circumstances I ask your Lordships to accord the Bill a second reading, and I am sure your Lordships will not think it unreasonable that it should be put down for the Committee stage on Monday next.

Bill read 2a (according to Order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.