§ No. 6 (1902)—Treaty between the United Kingdom and the United States of America relative to the establishment of a communication by ship canal betweeen the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Signed at Washington, 18th November, 1901. [Ratifications exchanged at Washington, 21st February, 1902.] (March 25.)
§ No. 7 (1902)—Treaty between the United Kingdom and Belgium for the mutual surrender of fugitive criminals. Signed at Brussels, 29th October, 1901. [Ratifications exchanged at Brussels, 6th December, 1901.] (April 3.)
§ No. 8 (1902)—Agreement between the United Kingdom and Germany relative to the boundary of the British and German spheres of interest between Lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika. Signed at Berlin, 23rd February, 1901.
§ No. 9 (1902)—Agreement additional to the Convention of 18th December, 1888, relative to the exchange of Money Orders between the United Kingdom and Belgium. Signed at London, 5th March, 1902. [Ratifications exchanged at London, 19th March, 1902.] (April 11.)