HL Deb 14 May 1901 vol 94 cc35-6

My Lords, I beg to ask His Majesty's Government (1) whether it is intended that the Joint Select Committee of this House and the House of Commons to consider the constitution of Queen Anne's Bounty should be re-appointed this session, as recommended by the Report of the Select Committee, dated 16th July, 1900; (2) whether it is intended that the office of Secretary and Treasurer to the Governors, which has been vacant since 25th May last, shall not be filled up. My reason for asking this question must be the great importance to the clergy of the Church of England of any question affecting their emoluments and endowments. Since putting the question on the Paper I have ascertained that the office of Secretary and Treasurer to the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty has not been filled up since the death of the last holder of the office. Considerable practical inconvenience has resulted, and certain duties cannot be adequately performed, amongst them being the collection of First Fruits, and also what is, perhaps, still more important, the execution of certain conveyances and deeds.


With respect to the first part of the question, I am told that there is now on the Notice Paper of the House of Commons a motion setting up this Committee, and it is a measure which we desire to bring about. The second part of the noble Lord's question depends upon the first. Before we have thoroughly examinee into the condition of Queen Anne's Bounty, and the machinery by which it is worked, the appointment can hardly be properly proceeded with. There is inconvenience, of course, in keeping the position open so long, but the noble Lord will see that there is also inconvenience in filling it up before our ultimate course is agreed upon.


The recommendation was that the appointment should be provisional.


Yes, but you cannot turn a man out when you have put him in.


It was thought possible that the Governors of Queen Anne's Bounty and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners might be joined as one body, and in that case this particular office would not be wanted. It is quite true that the motion for the appointment of a Joint Committee is on the Order Paper of the House of Commons, but it is likely to remain there unless some action is taken in order to bring it forward.

House adjourned at twenty-five minutes past Six of the clock to Friday next, half past Ten of the clock.