HL Deb 18 July 1901 vol 97 c773

Garter King of Arms by his Deputy, Norroy King of Arms, permitted to come to the Table.

House called over.

House adjourned to the Royal Gallery. Commission appointing a Lord High Steward read. Writ of Certiorari, Return, and Indictment read.

Earl Russell brought to the Bar and arraigned on the Indictment. Objection taken by counsel for Earl Russell to the said Indictment; objection overruled. Then, in answer to the arraignment, the said Earl pleads "guilty" to the felony whereof he stands indicted.

Counsel heard in mitigation of the sentence.

The said Earl is also heard.

House adjourned to the Chamber of Parliament.

Then the Bishops deliver a protestation and desire leave to be absent when judgment is given upon Earl Russell; upon which leave is given.

Sentence considered.

House resumed in the Royal Gallery.

Earl Russell brought to the Bar and informed by the Lord High Steward that the sentence of the House, unanimously agreed to, was that he be imprisoned for three calendar months in His Majesty's Prison at Holloway as an offender of the First Division.

Ordered That John Francis Stanley Earl Russell, who at the Bar of this House has pleaded guilty to the charge of felony bigamy, be imprisoned in His Majesty's Prison at Holloway, in the county of London, for the space of three calendar months, and that he be treated as an offender of the First Division.

The Commission was then dissolved.

House adjourned during pleasure.

House resumed.

Ordered that the proceedings on the trial of Earl Russell be printed. (No. 165.)