HL Deb 08 August 1901 vol 99 c13

I also beg to ask whether directions will be given to the Royal Irish Constabulary to enforce the existing laws as prescribed by the Gun Licence Act, 1870, which provides (Section 3), that every person who uses or carries a gun shall pay for it, for a licence, the sum of 10s. The matter is an important one in Ireland, for any officer may ask for the production of a licence. Breaches of the Act of 1870 are a daily occurrence, and take place under the eyes of the constabulary. A satisfactory answer to the question would be most important, because under a 10s. licence a great many people in Ireland imagine that they have a free right to go all over the country and shoot game.


I am not sure that my noble friend's question is addressed with precision to the point he has in view. I have tried to get all the information available, and I have been told that the constabulary are directed to co-operate with the officers of Inland Revenue in the enforcement of the Gun Licence Act of 1870. So far as I am aware there has been no failure of duty on their part in respect to the enforcement of either of the Acts.


remarked that the excise officers were so occupied with the spirit duties that they had no time to enforce this Act.