HL Deb 25 June 1900 vol 84 c878

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, I had hoped to-day to move the Second Reading of what really is the Government's Militia Ballot Bill, which stands in my name; but this morning I was asked, on behalf of Members of your Lordships' House who take great interest in this and similar questions, to put it off, and I have agreed to postpone it for a week. I hope this adjournment will not be inconvenient to your Lordships, but I do not think I can do other than postpone it under the circumstances. But I can give your Lordships this assurance, that if I am alive on this day week I shall move the Second Reading of the Bill, because I fully recognise the importance of the question, and, if the noble Marquess will allow me to say so, the fatuous futility of his emergency measures.

Second Reading, by leave of the House, put off to Monday next.