HL Deb 16 July 1900 vol 86 cc9-10

My Lords, I beg to ask the noble Earl the Undersecretary of State for India a question of which I have given him private notice— namely, whether he can give the House any information with regard to the monsoon in India which may possibly tend to alleviate anxiety.


My Lords, the Secretary of State has received a telegram from the Viceroy of India which, I am happy to say, puts a rather improved complexion upon affairs, which had begun to assume alarming conditions owing to the failure of the monsoon. The Viceroy telegraphed the day before yesterday as follows— Heavier and more general rain during last week in Berar, Central Provinces and Hyderabad. Rainfall good and sufficient for present needs in Rajputana. In Central India moderate general rain and sowings commenced in parts. Fair rain has fallen in Bombay, Deccan and Khundeoh. Monsoon is heavy in Surat. Good falls are reported in Kathiawar, Broach, Thana. Sufficient rain has not yet fallen in Punjaub for dry land sowing. Notwithstanding that prospects have improved, no early diminution of relief is possible. On the contrary, the figures this week are the highest yet reported. Village relief and advances are replacing relief works. Condition of surviving cattle is deplorable in Western India. Cholera continues prevalent Bombay. Health Returns for Central Provinces are satisfactory. Number of persons in receipt of relief, 6,148,000.