HL Deb 12 July 1900 vol 85 c1300

My Lords, I rise to ask the Prime Minister whether arrangements can now be made by which Peers may be supplied with copies of The Parliamentary Debates in the same way as Members of the House of Commons. I should like to explain that I am not asking that these papers should be circulated to Members of this House, because it is obvious that if, as is possible, many Members may not care to have them, a request for 600 more copies to be printed would be asking for a very unnecessary and wasteful expense to be incurred. I am only asking that Peers may be placed in the same position as Members of the House of Commons, and may be able to obtain the Debates on application. I understand that in the House of Commons Members may obtain the Debates in daily parts by filling up a request for them upon the Pink Paper which is issued to them, or by giving a general order for the bound volumes to be sent them as they are completed. When I put this question to the noble Marquess at the head of the Government a year ago, his reply was that it was impossible to make any change in the arrangements during that \rear, because no Estimate had been voted; but as he was good enough to say that the matter should receive consideration during the recess, I have ventured to repeat the question now, in the hope that the authorities of the Treasury, who have no doubt considered the matter since that time, have been able to consider it favourably.


My Lords, it will be satisfactory to the noble Lord to hear that I am authorised by the Prime Minister to say that if any Peer will apply for The Parliamentary Debates to the Printed Paper Office, he will receive them.

House adjourned at a quarter-past Five of the clock, till to-morrow, half-past Ten of the clock.