HL Deb 03 August 1900 vol 87 cc581-2


Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, the object of this Bill is to increase the reserve personnel of the Navy by maintaining a force to be called the Trained Reserve of Seamen and Marines, which shall be in addition to and distinct from (so far as the sources from which it is drawn are concerned) the present Royal Naval Reserve. This force is to consist of two classes—firstly, of petty officers and men of the seaman and stoker classes, and non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Marines, who have been awarded long service pensions. As regards men and boys already serving in Her Majesty's Navy, enrolment in this class will be at their option, but as regards those hereafter joining as seamen, stokers, or marines, the award of a long service pension will carry with it the obligation to join the said Reserve if so required, but no one shall have a claim to be admitted. The present Seamen Pensioner Reserve, numbering about 4,500, will be absorbed in this class. The men composing it are now liable to be called up in emergencies for service. It is expected that this class, with some new advantage as to clothing and drill, will gradually rise to 7,000 men. Secondly, the force will consist of a number, not exceeding 15,000, of petty officers and men of the seamen and stoker classes, non-commissioned officers and men of the Royal Marines who have completed a twelve years engagement, and, at the discretion of the Admiralty, such men as have been allowed to leave the service with less than twelve years service. This class is designed to secure the seamen and marines who are not pensioned, but who have left active service. Enrolment in this class will be optional. The period of engagement will be five years, and for each re-engagement, if physically fit and of good character, five years, or (if over fifty) to complete fifty-five years. Each man in this class will be entitled to claim his discharge at the end of each successive period of five years, provided he is not at the time required by Royal Proclamation to serve in the Fleet. Reserve men in this class will be liable up to the ago of fifty-five to serve three years in the Elect in case of emergency, or five years if the period should be extended by Proclamation. I have particulars of the emoluments, clothing, and pensions, which, if your Lordships wish it, I will go into in detail; but as they were explained at length and agreed to in another place, perhaps it will not be considered necessary that I should do so.

Bill read 2a (according to Order); Committee negatived; then (Standing Order No. XXXIX. having been suspended) Bill read 3a; Amendments made; Bill passed, and returned to the Commons.