§ Moved, That a Committee of four Lords be appointed to join with a Committee of the House of Commons to consider the Great Southern and Western and Waterford and Central Ireland Railway Companies Amalgamation Bill [H. L.],. the Great Southern and Western and Waterford, Limerick, and Western Railway Companies Amalgamation Bill [H.L.], and the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland Bill [H. L.]; and that the said Committee be named by the Committee of Selection (the Chairman of Committees); agreed to. Then a Message was ordered, to-be sent to the House, 249 of Commons to acquaint them therewith; and to request them to appoint four Members of that House to be joined with the said Committee, pursuant to the Resolution of this House of the 29th of March last, and to the Message of the House of Commons of the 6th instant, signifying their concurrence in the said Resolution.