HL Deb 10 March 1898 vol 54 cc1161-2

My Lords, as I see that the Under Secretary of State for India is in his place to-day, I wish to ask him whether he can give the House any recent information respecting the riots in Bombay?


The Secretary of State has been in telegraphic communication with the Governor of Bombay, with reference to the disturbances which have taken place in that city, but no telegram has been received within the last 24 hours from Bombay. Two came in yesterday, which I will read to the House. The first is— No disturbance till to-day. Have just heard serious riot took place this morning in Bombay city on account of attempted removal of plague patient to hospital. Four men killed, three very seriously injured; three police officers injured, one very seriously. Mr. Dastur, a Parsee, one of the Presidency magistrates, injured. Riot over for the present. Military sent for. The second telegram, which followed after a few hours, was— In continuation of my telegram, Commissioner of Police is now with me. He says there was an additional outbreak in adjoining part of town. Two rioters killed by fire. Promiscuous rioting in several streets; two British soldiers were killed, and another seriously injured; five more European police officers injured; several private Europeans were attacked and injured. No rioting since about 4 p.m. Principal streets and hospitals guarded by European and native troops. Rioting commenced in quarter inhabited by Julais, a sect of fanatical Mahomedans. Have asked the General Officer Commanding, Poona, for some cavalry. There is no official information beyond these telegrams, but the Secretary of State is in daily communication with the Governor, and we shall no doubt receive further information either this evening or to-morrow.