HL Deb 03 August 1897 vol 52 cc170-1

In these Orders (3 to 68 inclusive), unless the context otherwise requires, the term "railway" includes "tramroad, the term "lessee" includes a person holding an agreement for a lease, and the term "occupier" applies only to ratepayers and to other persons not being ratepayers whose interest in the premises occupied is not less than that of a quarterly tenant, the term "parish" means (as respects England and Wales) a place for which a separate poor rate is or can be made or for which a separate overseer is or can be appointed, and the term "district" with respect to the administrative County of London means any parish in Schedule A. and any district in Schedule B. of the Metropolis Management Act 1855, as amended by any subsequent Act.

4. In cases of Local Bills of the Second Class, and of Local Bills of the First Class in respect to which plans are required to be deposited, such notices shall also contain a description of all the termini, together with the names of the parishes, townships, townlands, and extra-parochial places from, in, through, or into which the work is intended to be made, maintained, varied, extended, or enlarged, or in which any land or houses intended to be taken are situate, and where any common or commonable land is intended to be taken, such notice shall contain the name of such common or commonable laud (if any), and the name of any parish or township in which such land is situate, together with an estimate of the quantity of such common or commonable land proposed to be taken, and shall state the time and place of deposit of the plans, sections, books of reference, and copies of the Gazette notice respectively, with the clerks of the peace and sheriff clerks, and also with the officers respectively mentioned in the Standing Order 29 parish clerks, clerks of vestries or district boards, session clerks, town clerks, and clerks of union, as the case may be.

Leave out Standing Orders 29 and 29a.

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