HL Deb 03 August 1897 vol 52 c171

29. On or before the thirtieth day of November a copy of so much of the said plans and sections as relates to such parish in or through which the work is intended to be made, maintained, varied, extended, or enlarged, or in which any lands or houses are situate which may be taken compulsorily, or on which an improvement charge may be imposed, or which are rendered liable to the imposition of an improvement charge, together with a copy of so much of the book of reference as relates to such parish, shall, subject to the provisions of Section 17 (7) of the Local Government Act 1894, he deposited with the parish clerk of each such parish in England, or, in the case of any extra-parochial place, with the parish clerk of some parish immediately adjoining thereto, or in case of any place within the limits of the Metropolis, as defined by the "Metropolis Management Act 1855," with the clerk of the vestry of each parish in Schedule A, and with the clerk of the district board of parishes in Schedule B of the said Act with the clerk of the parish council of each such parish in Scotland, and in Royal burghs, with the town clerk, and with the clerk of the union within which such parish is included in Ireland.