HL Deb 07 August 1896 vol 44 c52

In the case of any advance after the commencement of this Act for the purchase of a holding, and also in the case of an instalment of a purchase annuity which shall become payable after the passing of this Act, purchaser's insurance money shall not be payable. In the case of a purchase annuity payable at the date of the commencement of this Act, the amount of the purchase annuity as from the date of such commencement shall be certified by the Land Commission, and sent by them for registration to the registration authority under the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891.


moved to leave out the words "of the purchase annuity as from the date of such commencement," and to insert instead the words "thereof as altered by this section."

Amendment agreed to.

Clause, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 28,—