HL Deb 16 May 1881 vol 261 c513

I beg to ask the noble Earl the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs a Question of which I have given him private Notice. I wish to know, Whether he has received any information from Her Majesty's Consul at Odessa or elsewhere with regard to the alleged persecutions, and even massacres, that have been perpetrated on the Jewish population in Southern Russia?


I have received no information from Odessa; but I received this morning a despatch from the Chargéd'Affaires at St. Petersburg to the following effect:— Serious riots, accompanied with acts of great violence against the Jews, have lately occurred at Elizabethgrad and Kieff; and The Official Gazette of to-day states that General Drenteln telegraphs from the latter place that order has now been re-established, but that disturbances against the Jews have broken out at the stations of Tartovo, Imerinki, and in the town of Vassilkoff, and that troops have been despatched to the above places. Riots of a similar nature, not possessing, however, a dangerous character, have, it is stated, occurred in the districts of Konatop and Ananieff.—I have the honour to be, with the highest respect, your Lordship's most obedient servant, (Signed) "HUGH WYNDHAM.