§ PUBLIC BILLS— First Reading—Factory Acts Extension* (No. 176); Inclosure (No. 2)* (No. 177); Railways (Ireland) Acts Amendment* (No. 178).
§ Second Reading—'London (City) Tithes Greek Loan* (No. 171).
§ Committee— Government Annuities, & c* (No. 145); Clerks of the Peace Removal* (No. 126); Superannuation (Union Officers)* (No. 154); Pilotage Order Confirmation* (No. 150).
§ Report—Government Annuities, & c* (No. 145); Superannuation (Union Officers)* (No. 154).
§ Third Reading—Valuation of Rateable Property (Ireland)* (No. 147); Cathedral Minor Corporations* (No. 166), and passed.