HL Deb 04 July 1864 vol 176 cc684-5

referring to the extraordinary despatches which had recently been published in The Morning Post, and to the denial given by the Prussian Government of their genuineness, said he hoped he should clearly understand from the noble Earl the Secretary for Foreign Affairs that the disavowal extended not merely to the text of those despatches, but to the transactions themselves, to which those papers professed to relate, in whatever words they might be clothed.


was understood to say, that the denial of the Prussian Government extended to the transactions themselves. He could only repeat that the despatches were not genuine.


said, the communication made by the noble Earl the Secretary for Foreign Affairs respecting the Correspondence alleged to have passed between Prussia and other Foreign Powers left some doubt, not as to the contradiction of the Correspondence itself, but regarding the circumstances to which it re- ferred. He therefore wished to state that it was his intention before public business was proceeded with to-morrow to draw attention to the prevailing rumours concerning a revival of the so-called Holy Alliance, and to inquire whether the Government have any information on the subject that they can lay before Parliament?


hoped his noble Friend correctly apprehended the statement he had made. The denial was put forward on the part of Prussia, and not of any other Power.

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