§ PUBLIC BILLS.—3a Nuisances Removal and Diseases Prevention; General Board of Health; Metropolitan Sewers; Slave Trade (Persian Gulf); Defects in Leases Suspension; Treasury Instruments; Customs; Stamp, &c. Allowances; Workhouse Loans (Ireland); Turnpike Acts Continuance; Consolidated Fund Appropriation.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Redesdale, from Sheer ness, against the General Board of Health Bill.—By the Earl of Harrowby, from Bury, Huddersfield, and other Places, against the Granting of any New Licenses to Beer Shops. From the County Palatine of Lancaster, for the Establishment of a General System of Secular Education, to be supported by Local Rates.—From Huntingdon, in favour of Freemen's Lands Bill.—From Cork, in favour of Sanitary Reform (Ireland).