HL Deb 04 March 1847 vol 90 cc821-2

said, he had to move for a return of the examination and committal of John Ockham, a child of five years and a few months old, who had been committed to Tothill Fields Gaol, on the 19th of February last, upon a charge of felony. He had his information from a friend of his who knew the circumstances intimately, a visiting magistrate; and he would not deny that he did it with the view of taking further proceedings against the magistrate concerned, and removing him from his place.


said, his only doubt was, whether such proceedings should originate in that House or in a court of criminal jurisdiction, because the act which his noble and learned Friend mentioned was monstrous. Any one who would be guilty of such an enormity must be wholly unworthy to be entrusted with magisterial duties.


was aware that that House, being a court of review, stood in a delicate position as regarded this case. They had communicated on the matter with the right hon. Gentleman the Secretary for the Home Department, and with his noble and learned Friend on the Woolsack.

Ordered to be laid before the House.

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