§ Bills. Read a second time:—On the Motion of Lord FARNHAM:—North American Association.—On the Motion of Lord DUNCANNON:—Sheriffs' Declaration. Read a first time:—On the Motion of Lord BROUGHAM:—Publication of Lectures.
§ Petitions presented. By the Duke of WELLINGTON and the Earl of LONSDALE, from Dover, Carlisle, and Kirby-in-Tendal, against; and by the Duke of GRAFTON, the Earl of LONSDALE, Viscount MELBOURNE, Lords STRAFFORD, POLTIMORE, and BROUGHAM, from a great Number of Places,—in favour of the Municipal Corporations' Bill,—By the Archbishop of CANTERBURY, from Keighley, for Amending the Factories' Regulation Act.—By the Earl of ABERDEEN, from Paisley, for further Accommodation in Scotch Churches; and by the Marquess of WESTMINSTER, from Westminster, for Corporation Reform.