HL Deb 03 August 1831 vol 5 c643

Petitions presented. By the Marquis of WEST-MEATH, from the Land-holders of Clare, against the System of Grand Jury Taxation (Ireland). By the Bishop of LONDON, from the Clergy of the Diocese and County of Hereford, Doncaster, and Dorking, to extend the powers of the Church Building Act. By Earl GREY, from the Sheriff, Freeholders, and others, of the County of Dunbarton; Inhabitants of Weymouth, and Melcomb Regis, Brecknock, Royal Burgh of Anstruther, Easter, Galstoun, Londena, Denny, Ballycallan, Kilmanagh, and Killaloe, Palles Green, Athlone, and Tipton, in favour of Reform; from the Roman Catholic Bishops' (Ireland), and Inhabitants of Ross, Hereford, for the introduction of Poor Laws into Ireland; from the Roman Catholic Bishops' (Ulster), for participation in the Grants for Education; from the Roman Catholic Freemen of Londonderry, praying they may not be required to take the Oaths of Allegiance at each Election; from the Inhabitants of Donoughmore, for an alteration in the Grants for Education (Ireland); from the Corporation of Smiths (Dublin), for Compensation to the Coal Meters of that place; from the Roman Catholic Clergy, Irish Bar, and Resident Magistrates of Galway, three Petitions, to extend the Elective Franchise to Catholics at that place; from the Protestant Inhabitants of the same place, for the Repeal of 4th, George 1st, requiring the Freemen of Galvay to be Protestants. By the Earl of CARLISLE, from the Inhabitants of Exeter, against Capital Punishment for Crimes against Property only.

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