§ Returns Presented. Contracts of Timber for the use of his Majesty's Dock-yards made since January 1st, 1810. Correspondence between the Board of Trade, the Board of Control, and the Directors of the East India Company, with letters addressed by these Directors to the Government of India since July 26th, 1828, relative to the cultivation of Cotton and Tobacco in the territories of the India Company.
§ Petitions Presented. Praying for the opening of the Trade to Chins—By the Earl of KINNOUL, from the Corporation of Perth:—By the Earl of ROSEBERY, from Linlithgow:—By the Earl of ROSSLYN, from Stirling:—And by the Duke of DEVONSHIRE from the inhabitants of the Town of Derby, and from eighteen places in the County of Derby. Praying for an amelioration of the Criminal Code—By the Duke of DEYONSHIRE, from the Banters and Merchants of 1046 Derby:—By Earl MORLEY, from Exeter:—By the Earl of RADNOR from Farringdon:—By the Marquis of LANSDOWN from the Protestant Dissenters of South Street Finsbury Square;—And by the Marquis of Bute from Banbury. Complaining of Distress and praying Relief—By the Earl of RADNOR from the in habitants of Woodchurch:—And by Earl Stanhope from the Freeholders of Bedfordshire. And praying for the removal of disabilities from the Jews—By the Marquis of CLANRICARDE, from THOMAS FLANAGAN.