HL Deb 27 April 1830 vol 24 c68

The Haymarket Removal Bill and the Four per-Cents Bill were committed.

Petitions presented. By Earl FITZWILLIAM, two from the Inhabitants of Places in the West Hiding of Yorkshire, praying that the Assizes might be held for that part of the County at Wakefield, By the Duke of SOMERSET, from Tomes?, in favour of the Emancipation of the Jews. Praying for the Abolition of the Punishment of Heath for Forger)', by Lord VERNON, from Derby:—By the ARCHBISHOP of CANTERBURY, from Margate:—And by Lord DURHAM, from Stockton-upon-Tees, and from Darlington. By Lord HOLLAND, from the Magistrates of the County of Lancaster, praying that the Imperfections of the Welch Judicature might be improved, but that its frame might not be destroyed. By Earl STANROPE, from Hastings, against the Renewal of the East India Company's Charter; and from the Agriculturists of Cireneester, complaining of Distress, and praying for Relief. And by the Duke of BUCCLEUGH, from the Dalkeith Farmers' Society, against the additional Duty on British Spirits.

Returns ordered. On the Motion of Earl STANHOPE, Account of the Exports of British Manufactures, from 1798 to 1814, and from 1814 to 1830:—Also of Foreign and Colonial Produce:—Also similar Returns from Ireland:—And also Accounts of all the species of Imports during the same period:—Particular Accounts of the Imports and Exports of Cotton during the same period:—Account of the Money paid and payable to the Bank of England for the management of the Public Debt in 1829:—Balance of Public Money in the hands of the Bank:—Advances made by the Bank to Government:—And Bank of England Notes in Circulation each year, from 1819 to 1830.