HL Deb 31 March 1806 vol 6 c590

The royal assent was given by commission to the two Exchequer Bills bill, the Felons' Transportation bill, and to several other public and private bills. The commissioners were, the lord chancellor, lord Auckland, lord Walsingham —Lord Grenville rose and moved the order of the day for taking into consideration his majesty's most gracious message, recommending the conferring some signal mark of favour on sir J. T. Duckworth, for the late important service performed by him to the country. His lordship observed, that having so recently had an occasion to direct the attention and admiration of the house to those glorious and useful services, he should not vainly attempt to amplify by words what must be so gratefully felt by their lordships, and by the country at large. He should therefore content himself with moving, that an humble address be presented to his majesty, assuring his majesty, that that house would cheerfully attend and give effect to his majesty's most gracious recommendation. The motion was agreed to,nem. diss.