HL Deb 21 May 1805 vol 5 cc34-5
The Earl of Suffolk

called the attention of their lordships to the circumstance of his having moved some time since for, the production of certain West India accounts; which was then agreed to by the house; but none of which were yet produced. He wished to know of a noble secretary, whether these accounts were soon likely to be laid upon the table, as he meant to ground some important motion thereon, and the session approximated to its close?

Lord Hawkesbury

observed, that it was impossible to get the accounts moved for by the noble earl, ready for production within the time. They were of a very voluminous nature, comprising accounts of all the monies drawn for from the West-India Islands for a number of years; the preparation was certainly going forward, in the proper offices; but he was unable to tell when they would be ready for presentation. If the noble earl mentioned any particular items, or the accounts of any particular time, on which to found any particular proposition, they might, perhaps, be speedily produced.

The Earl of Suffolk

spoke in explanation, and said, he did not wish for an account of any sum lower than 2,000l. While the noble earl was on his legs, he begged leave to call their lordships' attention to another case of non-production of accounts. He alluded to that of the proceeds of old naval stores, and their application. The motion he alluded to was at least a year and a half ago; and no corresponding account had been since produced. These proceeds must be very considerable, when it was considered, that in some years not less than two millions were voted, for the service of the navy, and the great wear and tear which must take place among our blockading squadrons. After some further observations, his lordship moved, for the production of those accounts, from the 1st of December, 1804, to the 1st of December, 1805.

Lord Auckland

observed, that, on account of the time stated in the motion, it was evidently impossible it could be complied with. The motion afterwards was allowed to be withdrawn for the purpose of its being new-modelled by the noble earl.

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