§ The Land Tax Redemption bill was read a second time, and committed for to-Morrow.—Moore's Divorce bill was read a third time and passed.—Mr. Alexander brought up the Irish Civil List bill, and some other bills, which were read a first time.—Mr. Pitt's Indemnity bill passed through the committee, and was reported.—Sir W. Scott brought up the Poor Clergy bill, which was read a first time.—Gardner's Divorce bill passed through a committee, and was reported.—The house resolved itself into a committee on the Stipendiary Curates' bill. A conversation of some length ensued between the bishop of St. Asaph, the lord chancellor, the archbishop of Canterberry, the bishop of London, and lord Harrowby, relative to various clauses and amendments; after which the bill passed through the committee, and the report was ordered to bo received to-morrow.