HL Deb 26 June 1805 vol 5 c616

A message being announced from the house of commons, Mr. Whitbread introduced by the black rod, advanced to the bar, attended by Mr. Grey, lord Temple, lord H. Petty, Mr. Fox, Mr. Windham, Mr. H. Combe, sir R. Buxton, Mr. Shaw Lefevre, Mr. Creevey, Mr. Wilberforce, Mr. R. Thornton, Mr. Pelham, lord A. Hamilton, Mr. Curwen, Mr. Wm. Elliot, Mr. Bankes, sir W. W. Wynne, Mr. C. W. Wynne, Mr. Plumer, Mr. St. John, Mr James Martin, Mr. Tierney, Mr. G. Johnstone, Mr. P. Moore, sir W. Elford, sir W. Burroughs, lord Marsham, &c. As soon as Mr. Whitbread reached the bar, he read the following message from the commons, and delivered it into the hands of the lord chancellor: "my lords, in the name of the commons of the united kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in parliament assembled, I am commanded to impeach Henry lord viscount Melville of high crimes and misdemeanors. And I do hereby, in their name, and in the name and behalf of all the commons of Great Britain and Ireland, impeach the said Henry lord viscount Melville of high crimes and misdemeanors. And, I am further commanded to acquaint your lordships, that the house of commons will, in due time, exhibit particular articles of impeachment against the said Henry lord viscount Melville, and make good the same."—The members of the house of commons then withdrew. The message was read by the lord chancellor and deposited on the table.—Adjourned.

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