HL Deb 26 March 1804 vol 1 cc1017-8
Lord Hawkesbury

moved, that the Volunteer Consolidation Bill, be read a second time to-morrow.—Ordered.

Lord Grenville

said, that he had several motions connected with this measure to submit to the Mouse, but which he trusted would meet with no opposition. His motions were, for copies of the circular letters issued by the Secretary of State, on the subject of volunteer corps. 2dly, for the number of volunteer corps who had waved their right to exemptions, 3dly, for the number of volunteer corps, whose offers of service had not been extended to the whole of G. Britain, distinguishing the places to which such service was limited.

Lord Hawkesbury

signified, that he had no objection to the noble Lord's motions.—The questions were then put, and the motions severally agreed to.

Earl Spencer

made a few observations relative to the future progress of the volunteer bill. He called the attention of the House to the great variety of important clauses and provisions which the bill contained. He did not think it probable the measure could be thoroughly discussed in a committee before the recess; he was therefore of opinion, that the detailed discussion of the bill should be postponed until after that period. He adverted to the circumstances of the very important information which was necessary to the due elucidation of the measure just moved for by his noble friend (Lord Grenville), which most probably could not be presented early enough for that part of the discussion, supposing it to come on before the recess. Upon the whole, the noble Earl seemed to think, that as there was no probability of the bill's getting through the committee before the recess, it would be preferable to postpone it, as a partial discussion of the measure before that period, in a committee, would rather be a disadvantage than of a beneficial tendency.

Lord Hawkesbury

observed, it was his wish that the bill should go through a committee. As to the probable length of the discussion in that stage of the bill, he could not venture an opinion, as he could not tell what clauses or provisions any noble Lord might have to propose, or what objections may be offered to the existing regulations of the bill; but if he found that it was not possible, or very improbable, that their Lordships could get through with that stage of the bill fully before the recess, he should be rather inclined not to propose it, as he agreed with the noble Earl in deeming, that in such a case the proceeding would be rather disadvantageous than otherwise.