HL Deb 26 March 1804 vol 1 c1017
Lord Hawkesbury

presented a message from the King relative to the tender of the Irish militia regiments to serve in any part of G. Britain, similar to that delivered to the Commons. The message being read, his Lordship moved, that the same be taken into consideration on Wednesday next, and their Lordships summoned for that day.

The Earl of Limerick

rose, not by any means to oppose the motion of the noble Sec. of State, but to express his most cordial approbation of the circumstances which gave rise to such an auspicious communication from the throne. He had to congratulate the inhabitants of both parts of the United Kingdom upon the occasion; his countrymen, upon their coming forward in a manner, so truly patriotic, and which redounded so greatly to their honour, and offering to identity their interests and their fate upon such an occasion as the present, and the inhabitants of G. Britain upon such an important accession to the active and efficient force of their country, lie felt assured, that in eases of the like necessity, the militia of G. Britain would freely come forward, and volunteer their services to any part of Ireland. He regarded this event as a most favourable opening, and which, he trusted, would lead to further interchanges and co-operations of the respective forces of both parts of the United Kingdom.

Lord Carleton

made a few observations to the same general effect as those which fell from the noble Earl.—The question was then put, and the motions of the noble Secretary of State ordered accordingly.

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