HL Deb 29 February 1804 vol 1 cc568-9
Lord King

rose to call the attention of the House to a circumstance which he deemed of great importance, and well worthy the notice of Parliament. Pie alluded to the practice which prevailed of paying certain officers under the government of Ireland their salaries at par in this part of he United Kingdom; of this he spoke in terms of disapprobation, principally as an application of a part of the revenues of Ireland, without the sanction or concurrence of Parliament. He adverted to the very unfavourable state of the exchange against Ireland, which was an additional reason for the proceeding in question being a proper subject of*investigation. He also alluded to the bill for continuing the restriction upon the Bank of Ireland then before the other House of Parliament, and intimated, that as he felt it his duty to call the attention of their lordships to that subject, he expressed his hope that it would not be hurried in its progress through that House. The noble lord concluded by moving, That an account be laid before the House of all persons and salaries chargeable on the revenues of Ireland, and paid at par in this country.

The Earl of Limerick

shortly expressed his difference in opinion from the noble lord on the subject, and stated, that when the account moved for should come before the House, he had no doubt of being able satisfactorily to justify the proceeding in question to their lordships.

The Earl of Suffolk

took the opportunity to express his surprise, that accounts, which be had moved for so long since as two years, should not be yet laid before the House. He alluded to the accounts of the proceeds of old naval stores, the amount of which, in all probability, was very considerable, and the disposition thereof, he contended it was proper it should be known to Parliament.

Lord Hawkesbury

expressed his readiness to afford every practicable explanation on the topic; touched upon by the noble earl, but he was then uninformed upon the subject; not having had the honour of a seat in that House at the remote period mentioned, he could not tell what steps had been taken in consequence of the noble earl's motion,

The Earl of Suffolk

shortly explained, and observed, that there was another noble Secretary of Stale present with respect to whom such an excuse could not be offered.

Lord Hobart

observed, that the topic alluded to, had been rather inopportunely mentioned, as the question regularly before the House related to certain salaries and pensions chargeable on the revenues of Ireland; this their lordships must all see, had nothing to do the the proceeds of old naval store. However, with respect to the desired explanation, he had to remark, is, that the accounts in question had no connexion with his department, and 2dly, that if the application had been made directly to himself, he could only say, that he should cause inquiries to be made on the subject.—The question upon Lord King's motion was then put, and it was ordered accordingly.—The various bills before the House were then forwarded in their respective stages, after which their lordships adjourned till to-morrow.