HL Deb 22 November 1803 vol 1 cc11-2
Lord Hawkesbury

moved that Lord Walsingham be appointed chairman of the committee of privileges for the present session.

The Lord Chancellor,

in seconding the motion, took an opportunity to pay an handsome compliment to the talents and assiduity which the noble lord, who was the subject of the motion, had displayed during so long a period, in his official capacity of chairman of their lordships commit tees.—The question was put, and the appointment forthwith ordered by their lordships, nem. diss.

Lord Walsingham

then rose, and observed, that he was not in the habit of trespassing upon the attention, or taking up the valuable time of their lordships; but, after what had just fallen from the noble and learned lord on the woolsack, he could not avoid saying a word or two on the occasion. He had to return his thanks to the House for this additional manifestation of their lordships favourable opinion of his official conduct; he trusted he should persevere in that line of conduct which had met their lordships' approbation, which principally consisted in a strict and uniform adherence to the rules and orders of the House, without which the business could not be conducted duly to the honour of the House, or to the advantage of the public.—It was then ordered, on the motion of Lord Hawkesbury, that Lord Walsingham be appointed chairman of the committees of their lordships' House, except in cases where it shall be otherwise directed; and also that his lordship be appointed chairman of the private committees during the present session.—The usual order respecting the committee of privileges was then made, on the motion of Lord Walsingham; as were the several routine orders usually made at the commencement of a session; after which their lordships adjourned till to-morrow.

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