1. Saffron Walden 1885-
  2. Salford 1997-
  3. Salford 1832-1885
  4. Salford East 1950-1997
  5. Salford North 1885-1950
  6. Salford South 1885-1950
  7. Salford West 1885-1983
  8. Salisbury 1660-
  9. Saltash 1660-1832
  10. Sandwich 1660-1885
  11. Scarborough 1660-1918
  12. Scarborough 1974-1997
  13. Scarborough and Whitby 1997-
  14. Scarborough and Whitby 1918-1974
  15. Scunthorpe 1997-
  16. Seaford 1660-1832
  17. Seaham 1918-1950
  18. Sedgefield 1918-
  19. Selby 1983-
  20. Selkirkshire 1708-1868
  21. Sevenoaks 1885-
  22. Shaftesbury 1660-1885
  23. Sheffield 1832-1885
  24. Sheffield Attercliffe 1885-
  25. Sheffield Brightside 1885-
  26. Sheffield Central 1885-
  27. Sheffield Ecclesall 1885-1950
  28. Sheffield Hallam 1885-
  29. Sheffield Heeley 1950-
  30. Sheffield Hillsborough 1918-
  31. Sheffield Neepsend 1950-1955
  32. Sheffield Park 1918-1983
  33. Sherwood 1983-
  34. Shipley 1885-
  35. Shoreditch 1918-1950
  36. Shoreditch Haggerston 1885-1918
  37. Shoreditch Hoxton 1885-1918
  38. Shoreditch and Finsbury 1950-1974
  39. Shoreham 1974-1997
  40. Shoreham 1660-1885
  41. Shrewsbury 1660-1983
  42. Shrewsbury and Atcham 1983-
  43. Shropshire 1660-1832
  44. Shropshire North 1983-
  45. Shropshire Northern 1832-1885
  46. Shropshire Southern 1832-1885
  47. Sittingbourne and Sheppey 1997-
  48. Skipton 1885-1983
  49. Skipton and Ripon 1983-
  50. Sleaford 1885-1918
  51. Sleaford and North Hykeham 1997-
  52. Sligo 1832-1870
  53. Sligo 1832-1885
  54. Sligo North 1885-1922
  55. Sligo South 1885-1922
  56. Slough 1983-
  57. Smethwick 1918-1974
  58. Solihull 1918-
  59. Somerset 1660-1832
  60. Somerset Eastern 1832-1918
  61. Somerset Mid 1868-1885
  62. Somerset North 1950-1983
  63. Somerset Northern 1885-1918
  64. Somerset Southern 1885-1918
  65. Somerset Western 1832-1885
  66. Somerton and Frome 1983-
  67. South Angus 1950-1974
  68. South Ayrshire 1918-1974
  69. South Fylde 1950-1983
  70. South Hams 1983-1997
  71. South Holland and The Deepings 1997-
  72. South Molton 1885-1950
  73. South Ribble 1983-1997
  74. South Shields 1832-
  75. Southall 1918-1974
  76. Southampton 1660-1950
  77. Southampton Itchen 1950-
  78. Southampton Test 1950-
  79. Southend East 1950-1997
  80. Southend West 1950-
  81. Southend-on-Sea 1918-1950
  82. Southgate 1950-1983
  83. Southport 1885-
  84. Southwark 1950-1974
  85. Southwark 1660-1885
  86. Southwark Bermondsey 1974-1983
  87. Southwark Bermondsey 1885-1918
  88. Southwark Central 1918-1950
  89. Southwark Dulwich 1974-1983
  90. Southwark North 1918-1950
  91. Southwark North and Bermondsey 1997-
  92. Southwark Peckham 1974-1983
  93. Southwark Rotherhithe 1885-1918
  94. Southwark South East 1918-1950
  95. Southwark West 1885-1918
  96. Southwark and Bermondsey 1983-1997
  97. Sowerby 1885-1983
  98. Spalding 1885-1918
  99. Spelthorne 1918-
  100. Spen Valley 1885-1950
  101. Spennymoor 1918-1950
  102. St Albans 1660-1852
  103. St Albans 1885-
  104. St Andrews District of Burghs 1832-1918
  105. St Augustine's 1885-1918
  106. St Austell 1885-1918
  107. St George's Hanover Square 1885-1918
  108. St Helens 1885-1983
  109. St Helens North 1983-
  110. St Helens South 1983-
  111. St Ives 1660-
  112. St Marylebone 1918-1983
  113. St Pancras East 1885-1918
  114. St Pancras North 1885-1974
  115. St Pancras South 1885-1918
  116. St Pancras South East 1918-1950
  117. St Pancras South West 1918-1950
  118. St Pancras West 1885-1918
  119. St.Germans 1660-1832
  120. St.Mawes 1660-1832
  121. Stafford 1660-1950
  122. Stafford 1983-
  123. Stafford and Stone 1950-1983
  124. Staffordshire 1660-1832
  125. Staffordshire Eastern 1868-1885
  126. Staffordshire Mid 1983-1997
  127. Staffordshire Moorlands 1983-
  128. Staffordshire North Western 1885-1918
  129. Staffordshire Northern 1832-1885
  130. Staffordshire South 1983-
  131. Staffordshire South East 1983-1997
  132. Staffordshire South West 1974-1983
  133. Staffordshire Southern 1832-1868
  134. Staffordshire Western 1868-1918
  135. Stalybridge 1868-1918
  136. Stalybridge and Hyde 1918-
  137. Stamford 1660-1918
  138. Stamford and Spalding 1983-1997
  139. Stepney 1950-1974
  140. Stepney Limehouse 1918-1950
  141. Stepney Mile End 1918-1950
  142. Stepney Whitechapel and St George's 1918-1950
  143. Stevenage 1983-
  144. Steyning 1660-1832
  145. Stirling 1983-
  146. Stirling District of Burghs 1708-1918
  147. Stirling Falkirk and Grangemouth 1974-1983
  148. Stirling and Falkirk Burghs 1950-1974
  149. Stirling and Falkirk District of Burghs 1918-1950
  150. Stirlingshire 1708-1918
  151. Stirlingshire East and Clackmannan 1974-1983
  152. Stirlingshire West 1974-1983
  153. Stirlingshire and Clackmannanshire Western 1918-1950
  154. Stockbridge 1660-1832
  155. Stockport 1832-1950
  156. Stockport 1983-
  157. Stockport North 1950-1983
  158. Stockport South 1950-1983
  159. Stockton North 1983-
  160. Stockton South 1983-
  161. Stockton-on-Tees 1832-1974
  162. Stoke Newington 1918-1950
  163. Stoke Newington and Hackney North 1950-1974
  164. Stoke-on-Trent 1832-1918
  165. Stoke-on-Trent Burslem 1918-1950
  166. Stoke-on-Trent Central 1950-
  167. Stoke-on-Trent Hanley 1918-1950
  168. Stoke-on-Trent North 1950-
  169. Stoke-on-Trent South 1950-
  170. Stoke-on-Trent Stoke 1918-1950
  171. Stone 1997-
  172. Stone 1918-1950
  173. Stourbridge 1918-1950
  174. Stourbridge 1997-
  175. Stowmarket 1885-1918
  176. Strand 1885-1918
  177. Strangford 1983-
  178. Stratford-on-Avon 1885-1918
  179. Stratford-on-Avon 1950-
  180. Strathkelvin and Bearsden 1983-2005
  181. Streatham 1983-
  182. Stretford 1885-1997
  183. Stretford and Urmston 1997-
  184. Stroud 1832-
  185. Sudbury 1885-1950
  186. Sudbury 1660-1844
  187. Sudbury and Woodbridge 1950-1983
  188. Suffolk 1660-1832
  189. Suffolk Central 1983-1997
  190. Suffolk Central and Ipswich North 1997-
  191. Suffolk Coastal 1983-
  192. Suffolk Eastern 1832-1885
  193. Suffolk South 1983-
  194. Suffolk West 1997-
  195. Suffolk Western 1832-1885
  196. Sunderland 1832-1950
  197. Sunderland North 1950-
  198. Sunderland South 1950-
  199. Surbiton 1983-1997
  200. Surbiton 1950-1974
  201. Surrey 1660-1832
  202. Surrey East 1950-
  203. Surrey Eastern 1832-1950
  204. Surrey Heath 1997-
  205. Surrey Mid 1832-1885
  206. Surrey North West 1974-1997
  207. Surrey South West 1983-
  208. Surrey Western 1832-1885
  209. Sussex 1660-1832
  210. Sussex Eastern 1832-1885
  211. Sussex Mid 1974-
  212. Sussex Western 1832-1885
  213. Sutherland 1708-1918
  214. Sutton Carshalton 1974-1983
  215. Sutton Coldfield 1945-
  216. Sutton Sutton and Cheam 1974-1983
  217. Sutton and Cheam 1918-
  218. Swansea District of Boroughs 1832-1918
  219. Swansea East 1918-
  220. Swansea Town 1885-1918
  221. Swansea West 1918-
  222. Swindon 1918-1997
  223. Swindon North 1997-
  224. Swindon South 1997-

2,145 constituencies in total