HC Deb 07 May 2002 vol 385 cc1-20
  1. HEALTH 6 words
    1. cc1-4
    2. NHS Trusts 1,041 words
    3. cc4-5
    4. Cottage Hospitals 690 words
    5. cc5-7
    6. Mental Health Services (Birmingham) 1,024 words
    7. cc7-10
    8. Adoption 1,825 words
    9. cc10-3
    10. Waiting Lists 1,119 words
    11. cc13-5
    12. Cancelled Operations 1,214 words
    13. cc15-7
    14. National Insurance 990 words
    15. cc17-9
    16. Social Services (Lancashire) 733 words
    17. cc19-20
    18. NHS Direct 296 words
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