Commons Sitting of 2 April 1998 Series 6 Vol. 309

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c1395
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
    1. c1395
    2. NAREY INQUIRY 59 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. c1395
    2. TRADE AND INDUSTRY 9 words
    3. cc1395-6
    4. Fuel Prices 294 words
    5. cc1396-7
    6. Low Pay Commission 649 words
    7. cc1397-401
    8. Competitiveness 2,302 words
    9. cc1401-3
    10. Small and Medium-sized Companies 862 words
    11. cc1403-4
    12. National Minimum Wage 428 words
    13. cc1404-6
    14. Industrial Relations 765 words
    15. c1406
    16. Research and Development 339 words
    17. cc1406-7
    18. Domestic Accidents 386 words
    19. cc1407-9
    20. Innovation 818 words
    21. cc1409-10
    22. Consumer Credit 342 words
    23. cc1410-1
    24. EU Presidency 526 words
    25. cc1411-2
    26. EU Structural Funds 607 words
  5. Maze Prison (Narey Inquiry) 5,684 words
  6. cc1424-35
  7. Business of the House 5,430 words
  8. cc1435-68
  9. Opposition Day 4 words
    1. cc1435-68
    2. International Arms Trade 18,168 words
  10. Orders of the Day
    1. cc1468-75
    2. Criminal Procedure (Intermediate Diets) (Scotland) Bill 3,717 words
    3. cc1475-82
    4. Swale Crossing 4,108 words