HC Deb 05 February 1997 vol 289 cc988-1008
    1. cc989-90
    2. Glasgow (Funding) 930 words
    3. cc990-1
    4. Health Spending 443 words
    5. cc991-3
    6. Borders Health Board 657 words
    7. cc993-4
    8. Electricity Interconnector 769 words
    9. cc994-5
    10. Health and Community Care (Highlands) 457 words
    11. cc995-9
    12. Public Expenditure Settlement 1,831 words
    13. cc999-1001
    14. Legislation 881 words
    15. cc1001-3
    16. Local Government Finance 1,047 words
    17. c1003
    18. Education Institutions (Agency Staff) 324 words
    19. cc1003-7
    20. Unemployment 1,630 words
    21. cc1007-8
    22. Care in the Community 420 words
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