HC Deb 24 October 1988 vol 139 cc1-22
    1. cc1-3
    2. British Rail (Investment) 584 words
    3. c3
    4. North-East (Roads) 328 words
    5. cc3-4
    6. Driving Test 251 words
    7. cc4-5
    8. A13 and A127 (Improvements) 510 words
    9. cc5-6
    10. EC (Transport) 869 words
    11. cc6-7
    12. Computer-controlled Traffic Systems 343 words
    13. cc7-8
    14. Air Fares 549 words
    15. cc8-9
    16. Channel Tunnel 621 words
    17. cc9-11
    18. British Rail 850 words
    19. c11
    20. Manchester Ship Canal 193 words
    21. cc11-2
    22. Hull-Teesside (Road Links) 234 words
    23. cc12-3
    24. Civil Aviation Authority and British Airports Authority 627 words
    25. cc13-4
    26. Metroplitan Line (Uxbridge) 227 words
    1. c14
    2. Social Security Commissioner for Wales 215 words
    3. cc14-6
    4. Director of Public Prosecutions 664 words
    5. cc16-7
    6. "Spycatcher" 960 words
    1. cc17-8
    2. AIDS 372 words
    3. cc18-9
    4. British Council 298 words
    5. c19
    6. Mauritius 290 words
    7. cc19-20
    8. Aid and Trade Provision 389 words
    9. cc20-1
    10. Mozambique (Refugees) 200 words
    11. cc21-2
    12. Sub-Saharan Africa 211 words
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