- Crossroads Care Attendant Scheme 482 words cc332-3
- Confinements 757 words cc333-5
- Strathclyde (Education Facilities) 675 words cc335-6
- Policy Reform 538 words cc336-7
- Scottish Special Housing Association (Rents) 754 words cc337-9
- Radiographers 603 words cc339-40
- Newbattle Abbey College 601 words cc340-1
- Education Costs 572 words cc341-2
- Fort William and Glencoe Ski Facilities 583 words c342
- Forestry Products (Isle of Wight) 257 words cc342-3
- Brewing Industry 283 words c343
- Rates (Shetland Islands) 208 words cc343-5
- Hospital Patients 764 words cc345-6
- Rating Reform 535 words cc346-7
- Social and Health Policies 492 words c347
- Housing Revenue Accounts 283 words cc347-50
- Community Care 735 words