- Industrial Knowledge (Security) 266 words cc251-3
- Steel Industry 735 words cc253-6
- Caterpillar Co., Uddingston 1,833 words cc256-7
- Civil Protection 198 words cc257-8
- Rover Group 847 words cc258-60
- Securities and Investments Board 1,077 words cc260-2
- Research and Development (Departmental Expenditure) 1,075 words cc262-4
- Takeover Bids (Costs) 776 words cc264-5
- Counter Trade Agreements 410 words cc265-6
- Caterpillar Company Ltd., Uddingston 546 words c266
- Manufacturing Output 426 words cc266-8
- Airbus Project 687 words c268
- Statutory Auditors (Education and Training) 213 words cc268-70
- North of England (Economic and Industrial Expansion) 413 words