Commons Sitting of 26 January 1981 Series 5 Vol. 997

  1. Preamble 7 words
  2. c621
  3. PRAYERS 5 words
  4. Oral Answers to Questions
    1. cc621-38
    2. Oral Answers to Questions 28 words
      1. Energy
        1. cc621-2
        2. Combined Heat and Power Schemes 351 words
        3. cc622-3
        4. North Sea Gas (Pipeline) 545 words
        5. cc623-4
        6. Nuclear Energy Programme 776 words
        7. cc624-5
        8. Gas Prices 601 words
        9. cc625-7
        10. Energy Prices 882 words
        11. cc627-9
        12. Fuel Prices (Industrial Consumers) 945 words
        13. cc629-30
        14. Continental Shelf 319 words
        15. cc630-1
        16. Nuclear Power (Pressurised Water Reactor) 666 words
        17. cc631-2
        18. Coal Imports 789 words
        19. cc632-3
        20. North Sea Oil (Exploration Plans) 140 words
        21. c633
        22. Energy Prices 354 words
      2. Government Accountability 419 words
      3. cc634-6
      4. Select Committee Reports (Debates) 737 words
      5. House of Commons
        1. c636
        2. Strangers Gallery (Tickets) 148 words
      6. Palace of Westminster
        1. cc636-7
        2. Cleaning and Restoration 384 words
      7. Official Information 429 words
      8. c638
      9. Government Policy 395 words
  5. BL (Corporate Plan) 4,171 words
  6. cc647-8
  7. Times Newspapers 763 words
  8. Orders of the Day
    1. cc649-728
    2. Forestry Bill 47,100 words, 1 division
    3. c728
    4. Business of the House 41 words
      1. c728
      2. WAYS AND MEANS 32 words
    5. Business of the House 129 words
    6. cc729-43
    7. Rents (Scotland) 8,184 words
    8. cc744-50
    9. Electro-convulsive Therapy (Broadmoor Hospital) 3,950 words